Monday, February 22, 2010

Sound Sensational

On Fridays we are having some real fun experiences making sounds with Ms K. We have used balloons, rubber bands, rulers and pencil containers as percussion instruments.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Our thoughts about the novel "The Twits."

I liked the part where Mrs Twit tricked Mr Twit into eating a spaghetti dish that had worms in it. (by Jaime)
I liked the part where Mrs Twit put her glass eye into Mr Twit's beer mug. (by Taylor)
My favourite part was when Mrs Twit fell from the sky after she had chewed the strings that were on the baloons. ( by Sara)
I' liked the part when Mrs Twit got the shrinks. (by Adelajda)
I liked it when Mr Twit put a toad in Mrs Twit's bed. ( by Luka)
I liked seeing Mr Twit's dirty, long beard. (by Rhys)
I liked the part when Mrs Twit came down with the balloons and started hitting Mr Twit with her walking stick. (by Karen)
I liked it when Mr Twit got a shock when Mrs twit came down from the sky. ( by Brian)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Twits

We have been reading the Novel called "The Twits" by Roald Dahl.
I loved listening to the story because the twits did some really strange things to each other.